Apollo-Soyuz: Force of Attraction



August 25    16:00

Apollo-Soyuz: Force of Attraction
Russia, 2023, 50’
in Russian w/Arm./Eng.subtitles

Director: Andrey Feofanov
Scriptwriter: Yana Nikolaeva
Producers: Andrei Feofanov, Oksana Leonova, Sergei Novikov, Sergei Smolin
Cinematographer: Valerii Osmak
Editor: Dmitrii Aleinikov
Sound: Vladimir Kuznetsov
Production Company: Amalgma Studio
Featuring: Alexey Leonov, Thomas Stafford

The documentary film Apollo-Soyuz: Force of Attraction tells a story of the legendary “handshake in space” – the docking of the Soviet “Soyuz-19” spacecraft and American “Apollo” spacecraft in near-Earth orbit in 1975.


Andrey Feofanov

Andrey Feofanov was born in the Russian city of Penza in 1960 and has two higher educations. He is a composer, film producer, and organizer of major international festivals in Moscow and abroad. He is a founder and general producer of Amalgma Studio Film Company.

Select Filmography
Apollo-Soyuz: Force of Attraction (2023).