A Night Song



August 29    22:30

A Night Song
Canada, 2022, 44’
in French w/Arm./Eng.subtitles

Director and Scriptwriter: Félix Lamarche
Producer: Félix Lamarche
Cinematographer: Félix Lamarche
Editor: René Roberge
Sound: Bruno Bélanger
Production Company: La limite Films Inc.

Penetrating through the interstices of the half-closed shutters, a summer light brushes its dappled shadows in Noëlla’s apartment, as she is preparing to receive medical aid in dying. Dense and diffuse, the last days of life reveal the tight weave that intertwines these seemingly infinitely repeated gestures to the ephemeral nature of our passages. At night’s edge, here’s a non-sentimental look at death and how we cope with it.

Félix Lamarche

Félix Lamarche is a Montreal-based independent filmmaker․ In 2017, he directed and produced his first feature documentary, Les terres lointaines, winner of the Pierre and Yolande Perrault Award. Since then, he has been working in both short and long formats and is interested in classic and experimental approaches to film language.

Far Away Lands (2017), The Frontier (2017), Ghost Lands (2019), A River in Winter (2020), A Night Song (2022).